Thursday 20 March 2008

The Clintons are treating Americans as fools

No days have passed that have not shed clouds over Hillary Clinton's credibility as a Dem party candidate. While Hillary is jumping at every single opportunity to stab Obama in the neck, she is at the same time doing everything possible to hide her back side, but for how long?

The Clintons thrive on negative campaigning. It is no doubt that they are responsible for sourcing the Wright stuff, a tactics to cover her failing campaign, the aftermath of the release of her schedules, her coming fraud trial in April 25, the delay in releasing her tax returns and all the rest.

In fact, the Clintons are insulting the intelligence of the American people.

(1) Prior to Ohio and Texas primaries

Obviously, Hillary Clinton cannot beat Obama in the polls, i.e. she hasn't got clearly defined policies to sell to the American people, so she has to use whatever methods she can think of to beat Obama.

Just before the Ohio and Texas primaries, Hillary engaged in negative and fear-mongering attacks on Obama. This involved the release of Obama's photo in an African dress, the 3.AM ad to say that she was most qualified to answer the red phone, although ironically, the little girl in the ad tends to be Obama supporter and would not want Hillary to answer the call.

Hillary has learned that negative campaigning has worked for her, as she won Ohio and Texas although, it will be confirmed by end of this month, that in fact Texas went to Obama because of Texas' two-tier voting system.

(2) The Ferrero dirty mouth

The Clintons' mindset, should give you an idea of the mindset of the people who support them. It is no surprise that Mrs. Ferrero came out with something that can be associated with how the Clintons see the elections since it has not gone as easy as they had planned for.

Whoever thinks that black people have it easy, that be in America, Europe or even in Africa, must be living in denial. What black people are facing day in and day out, will go beyond this US 2008 election regardless who wins it. It will take more than one black US president to change people's perception of the blacks.

(3) The Wright stuff

Has anyone ever wondered who source the Wright stuff and why? Having followed the pattern of the Clintons' campaign so far, it does not surprise me at all that they will do anything to win the nomination. The timing of the coming out of the Wright stuff, is crucial:

  • The Ferrero affair was still very fresh and that is damaging to the Clintons
  • Hillary was loosing the popular vote
  • The 5th anniversary of the war in Iraq, the financial and human cost of the war and the impact on the American economy. The Iraqi war as another big achievement of Hillary Clinton.
The Clinton camp's strategy was to create a cloud the hide these things to confuse the American people and distract them from the essential issues that the elections should be focusing on.

(4) The release of Hillary's schedules

"Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?": NO NO NO NO. Since when are the Clintons known for telling the truth?

The long awaited release of Clintons' schedules, has been nothing but disappointment. Not only it does not support her claim of experience that qualifies her as a commander-in-chief, but also, the documents have been modified and they are incomplete.

There are still outstanding requests for other documents. Phone logs have yet to be released and among the stuff that have been released, a lot of things have been modified, names of people removed to hide their identity.

It is obvious that the Clintons are using their connections to carry out some shameful deeds for their political ends. The holdup of the release of these documents, is significantly telling and the fact that there are still requests of documents outstanding, tells me that the Clintons have something to hide:

  • Incomplete or modified records
  • Phone logs requests still outstanding
  • NAFTA was Clintons' baby
  • First lady's tourism or American next commander in chief? As the Chinese say, "Beware what you wish for".
You make up your mind.

(5) The delay in releasing her tax returns

  • Why are the Clintons dragging their feet in releasing their tax returns?
  • Are they buying time to use their connections to modify records?
  • Are they buying time for damage limitation due to the Pennsylvania primary?
  • Are they buying time for their next fraud trial in April?
  • What is the real reason why the Clintons are taking so long to release their tax return which should already have been prepared?
(6) The Iraqi war

All the people who supported G. Bush to invade Iraq, lack the basic common sense. The war has no ground and could have been avoided if not because the ignorance of G. Bush and his father and politicians like Clinton and McCain. Only these people can tell that America is winning the war. The truth is that, there is no winner in the Iraqi war. It was a terrible mistake and we all know it.

Now ask yourself: do you want that mistake to be repeated? If it happened once, it will happen again.

(7) A Republican in Dem jacket

Hillary may be a politician but she does not yet know what her political creed is. She is not a Dem. If she is, she cannot be a good one. Do you know why?

  • Hillary gave credit to McCain? What exactly is Hillary trying to do by saying that McCain has experience to be command in chief than Obama? I don't have the answer but it is obvious that Hillary knows nothing about party loyalty and it is shocking to see that there super-delegates still backing her.
  • Party rules only apply to others: yes, it wasn't a problem at all for Hillary to go along with the primaries in Michigan and Florida although these states were breaking the party rules on elections schedules. The fact that she is a former first lady does not mean that she is beyond party discipline. Rules are rules and they apply to anyone.
  • Hillary is dividing the Dem party and I fear the worst of the state of the Dem party, comes November.
The question I am asking you is:

Do you want another 4 years of G. Bush administration, given the mess in Iraq and current state of the American economy?

If you vote for McCain or Clinton, you are giving another term to G. Bush and a license to kill the American economy.

Related stories:

  1. Clinton Lie Kills Her Credibility on Trade Policy @
  2. Clinton Lies and Criminal History @
  3. Lies, Damn Lies, and the Clinton Administration @
  4. Exposing Clintons' lies @

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